
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Where Do You Like to Read?

There is a series of books by Debbie Bertram and Susan Bloom about a little boy who is figuring out his newly acquired reading habits.

In The Best Book to Read, the little boy thinks about the different kinds of books he likes---fairy tales, picture books, chapter books, popup books, etc.  The librarian shows his class books about magicians, about outer space, about animals, about dinosaurs, about cooking, and more. The only thing that is a little unusual about this book is that the students get on a school bus and travel to the public library and choose their books--instead of choosing books in their school library.

In The Best Time to Read, the little boy wants to practice his reading skills and tries to read aloud to his mother, his father, his big sister, his grandparents, and his dog---and they are all too busy.  He finally ends up reading to the stuffed animals in his bedroom.  At the end, though, his entire family comes to his room because they have finished all their busy chores, and the boy reads aloud to all of them.
In The Best Place to Read (which is my favorite), he tries to read in the small chair in his bedroom, in the stuffed chair in the living room that the dog won't vacate, at the kitchen table where his little sister is spilling food, in his grandfather's chair which has hard cushions, in a beanbag chair which springs a leak, in the rocking chair which makes him sea sick, outside where the sprinklers come on, and so forth.  In the end, he finally finds the perfect place to read.

Where is YOUR perfect place to read?  


  1. Last year I went looking for "the ultimate reading chair" and found it! Big poofy thing with a perfect height ottoman. Only thing is, the dog thinks she can jump up there and read with me too. :) Maybe that's because I held her in that chair so much when she was a pup.

  2. I have a big, soft chair, too, and the cat usually sits on my lap and purrs his whiskers off while I read. Purring cats and companionable dogs like Marianne's-----it's nice to have a reading partner. :-)

  3. Sorry, I'm boring, the couch in the living room, usually middle of the night...

  4. My favorite place to read is anyplace I happen to be when I can eke out 5 min. to read. Usually the only time I have to read is about 11:00 p.m. after a busy day and before I go to sleep.

  5. My two favorite places to read are in bed and zipped up away from bugs in a tent. I even love to get in a tent in the afternoon after a hike and just enjoy the quiet from the bugfree safety of a cozy tent with a good book.

  6. Thanks for all the book suggestions. I put them all on my order list.

  7. My favorite place to read is in my bed, propped up on a couple of pillows. Often when I am reading a really good book I cannot put it down and stay up way too late. Already reading in my bed allows me to fall asleep immediately when I have finished the book.

  8. In the winter, in my wonderful Poang chair and footrest from Ikea! I can read there anytime, day or night. In the spring, summer and fall, on my perfect sofa on the front porch - heavenly! I dream about it all winter long. :)

  9. I love books on any given time I have 8-10 in my car:)

  10. One of my favorite places to read when I happen to be home alone is at the kitchen table while eating my lunch or dinner.
