
Monday, September 24, 2012

Rose and Carlynn!

The Fall UELMA Newsletter is out, and our very own Rose Voce and Carlynn Christian are prominently featured.  They both recently received Laura Bush Foundation Library Grants.  It is the second time that Rose has written for and received this grant! 

There were only 4 school libraries in Utah that received the grant, and 2 of them were Jackson and Riley!  

Rose is quoted in the article about the grant recipients, "It’s a wonderful opportunity to help update critical components of our libraries that support the state core and high interest books. The grant application is somewhat lengthy but worth the trouble.”

In the article, Carlyn also gives excellent advice for others who may be interested in applying for this grant in the future.

Congratulations to Rose and Carlynn!


  1. Way to go you two!!! What great examples you are of librarians who care about the children they serve and look for every opportunity to improve on what you already have. Thanks for being such great representatives for the Salt Lake Librarians.

  2. Yes! Congratulations -- I read that in UELMA - happy spending!

  3. Outstanding!

    I can't wait to hear more of your adventures.


  4. I am so happy for you both. It is a compliment to our district and to our libraries that we have such competent and certified librarians in our schools.
