
Friday, September 14, 2012

That Pigeon!

How fun that Tim won Mo Willems' wild and crazy pigeon!  I heard a few oohs and aahs when Tim picked up his plush, blue pigeon friend.  If you would like, we could get another pigeon that could live at the DMC.  You could contact Elaine whenever you wanted the pigeon to visit your school, and he could arrive through district mail.

You could possibly tell the kindergartners or 1st graders that you made arrangements for the pigeon to visit your library, and they could brainstorm the kinds of things they would have to safeguard against if the pigeon visited them.  

Or you could have a Pigeon Day and read Mo Willems' books with the pigeon overseeing the reading of the books.  

You could have students do a quick art project about the pigeon or do a short writing activity about the whacky bird.

Just let me know if you dare have the pigeon visit your library, and we'll get the arrangements set up.  


  1. I would love the pigeon to visit my library. i wouldn't even mind owning one for myself. Where might one purchase a pigeon?

    1. I think that the pigeon lives at Amazon. :-)

  2. The pigeon is fast becoming my best friend. And the kindergarten kids at Beacon Heights shout out when they see me, "It just tastes like chicken, OK!!!"

  3. I am also very interested in having the pigeon come to my library! I found a picture of Mo Willems with a pigeon on his head -- the kids loved it! YES< YES! Let's have a guest pigeon :)

  4. You could do a writing assignment like "Don't let the BLANK, BLANKITY BLANKITY BLANK."
    Don't let the Librarian loose with cash at the Book Fair.

    Don't let the Tiger eat at the dinning room table.

    Don't let the dog play with Grandma's knitting needles.

  5. I love the idea! Please, let's have a traveling pigeon.
