
Thursday, September 27, 2012

J.K. Rowling's New Book

J. K. Rowling's new book was released today.  It's her first book for adults and is called The Casual Vacancy.  Are you planning on reading it?  Do you already have it on hold at your public library?


  1. I don't have it on hold but was sorely tempted to put it in my basket at Costco this week. Think I'll wait a bit and see what others have to say first.

  2. I agree with Jean. It stopped me short at Barnes & Noble, but with so much else to read, I just can't waste the time until I hear some great reviews.

  3. I just love HP. Don't know much about this one. Don't know if I'm interested. PW says, "Minus the magic, though, good and evil are depressingly human, and while the characters are all well drawn and believable, they aren't much fun."

  4. Thanks for the little review, Pamela. Not sure it sounds enticing enough. We'll see.

  5. The Wall Street Journal of Oct. 3, 2012 from the Arts & Entertainment section of Speakeasy offered the following:

    The exact plot of the book hasn't been announced, but the New Yorker, which features an interview with Rowling, says the new novel is "a rural comedy of manners that, having taken on state-of-the-nation rural themes, builds into black melodrama."

  6. If someone buys it...can I borrow it? :-) Sorry to be so cheap.

  7. I'm with you, Linda, I looked at Costco, but couldn't bring myself to spend the money...Still waiting for a review.... Anyone get to it yet?
