
Sunday, September 16, 2012

September is Library Card Sign-up Month

September is Library Card Sign-up Month.  According to the Salt Lake County website, "a library card is the smartest card in your wallet."  

Is there something that you do in your school library to encourage students to visit their neighborhood public library?

Do you have any kind of partnerships or relationships with your school's local public library?


  1. Where do you get a pigeon? I want one of my own!

  2. I partnered up with our local library, the Sweet branch. If the students go there and check out books, they are given a doubloon (part of our theme this year). They bring it back to the school library and get a small prize. (and points towards a class year end treasure hunt). Student who don't live in the area can bring me a receipt from library checkout from their local branch.

  3. I scored! The teen librarian is coming to plan all kinds of activities with me. Now that I told you, don't steal her away from me.

  4. I have been putting that Sept. is library card month in my newsletter for years but I was just making it up. Glad to find out it is true:)

  5. Our fourth graders all walked over to the Chapman Library this week for a field trip. They came back all excited because the librarian gave them each a paperback book that they could keep as their own. I was excited because about 15 of them chose The Unwanteds and I could then take them off of the hold list. I still don't know how I'm going to get enough copies to satisfy the rest still left on the list.
