
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Big Plans

I recently read a great book called Big Plans that was written by Bob Shea and illustrated by Lane Smith.  It has a 2008 copyright, but it was a new book for me.  

A young boy gets in trouble at school and is sent to sit in the corner. While enduring his punishment, he dreams up BIG PLANS.

What are YOUR big plans for this school year? 


  1. I am posting a grant tomorrow to try to get GPS units for the library. (Chevron is footing the bill on so get a grant up ASAP!)
    I chose the theme "Knowledge is Treasure" for this year, so they would be a perfect technology tool to bring our treasure seeking activities up a notch. I plan to use them for Geocaching -mostly for map skills activities, but also for tons of literacy activities (like parts of a story hidden in different places, etc) and for a bit of real treasure (books!). Almost all our library skills will be needed to become a "Certified Treasure Hunter".

  2. I am planning on acquiring at least 1 iPad this year to use in the library as a resource for teachers and students. There are so many fabulous educational apps out in the cyberworld just waiting for inquiring teacher and student minds. I also am planning to read as many young adult books this year as my time will allow and post them to Goodreads as a reference for teachers and students.

  3. Don't know this one...thanks for tipping me off!

  4. Every year for the past three years I focus on something to help me be a better librarian. I am focusing on be better at teaching the library skills for K-6. I love the book recommendation, I would like to read this one.

  5. I don't know this book either, I need to add it to my always growing list of wants! For the last 2 years I have concentrated on weeding my library,now I need to inventory and make sure they are all really deleted so my catalog is accurate.
