
Monday, October 29, 2012

Media Center Catalog

 How are your teachers responding to the new method to locate and schedule materials from the District Media Center?

Are they catching on?  Does it seem to be working out for them?  Have they been able to find the videos and DVDs that they need?

As you've trained them on this new method, has the response been positive?


  1. I suppose my enthusiasm and joy overshadows the users, but yes, my users like it very much. Jann did a good job training kids at Clayton. My new move-in kid is very proficient.

  2. I love the new system. But alas I was not very good at teaching my teachers. I still have a few who rely too heavily on me to find their media. Others however are great about taking care of their own needs. Can I just say I LOVE Destiny!!!!


  3. Teachers are very fantastic! Thank you teachers for all you do!
