
Friday, October 12, 2012

Favorite Halloween Books

We looked at a fun Halloween book at our library collaborative  - Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson.

What are some of your favorite Halloween books to read to students in October?


  1. I like to read The Witch's Broom to upper grades classes and have them make predictions about it.

  2. I love reading One Halloween Night by Mark Teague as well as The Big Pumpkin. I tie the big pumpkin in with other folk tales like the Enormous Turnip, The Giant Cabbage and other stories with the 2nd grade latter in the year.

  3. When I was in the elementary library, reading Halloween books to kids was one of my favorite things to do. I could put on my "witchy" voice. My favorite book to read was "The Witch and the Unicorn". It is a hologram book and the kids really like it.

  4. There is a very old book called "Halloween Witch" that I had at an elementary in Granite district. A little witch comes home and takes off her hat,her shoes, etc. Then you find out it's a human girl. It is so old that the colors are only yellow, red and black.

  5. "The man who tricked a ghost" by Laurence Yep is a favorite of my 4th graders. They also like "World's best "true" Ghost stories. My 5th and 6th graders love the stories in "Haunts" by Angela Shelf Medearis. These are books that I do not put in the library so that the kids can experience them without them already having read or heard them

  6. My favorite is to read "The Little Old Lady That was Not Afraid of Anything" to Kindergarten. I have them act out the parts that repeat like TWO SHOES GO CLOMP CLOMP... etc. They LOVE it!
