
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spring Has Sprung

Spring is finally here!  

What are some of your favorite aspects of spring?  Budding tulips?  No more driving in the snow?  Longer days?  Basketball?


  1. I love spring for that first time of just sitting with my face turned toward the sun, for being able to go walking anytime without having to worry about it being too cold or too hot, for the wind, for the flowers.

  2. I love everything about Spring! I feel like I get to visit with my chickens again, after ignoring them all winter. I get to start rollerblading again. I feel so motivated and excited, like a bear waking from hibernation! Hooray!

  3. I love the relief from the cold. I love to play golf when it's warm. I like the longer days, baby birds and animals, and everyone coming out from underneath blankets and winter coats. I like having the windows open. I love spring and its promise of 8 months of fine weather.

  4. I love everything about Spring, too. I love all the green coming back into the grass and trees and the flowers and color. I especially love seeing the sun more. I have such a hard time not seeing sun in the winter especially on those really smoggy days. It's a great time of year. It used to be therapeutic to go out in the yard and start getting the flower beds ready and pulling up the ugly weeds. Now I don't have a yard anymore and I really miss that. I am sure, however, that there are many of you who would love to volunteer my time in your yards. SORRY. Not the same.

  5. I miss the snow, especially in a year like this one where we really didn't get any. But when spring comes, I always have to pull the reins back to not go out and work the garden soil too soon.

  6. The lovely, soft sunshine, the new, yellow green of plants and working in the yard. I love the smell of spring!

  7. It is nice to walk from the car to the school entrance without the concern of slipping and falling on the ice on the sidewalk as has happened to several teachers at NW.

  8. I love the smell of new beginnings, and the green that is budding out. I love listening to the singing birds and the business of things waking up. I love the feel of the warm sun. I am ready to get into my garden and clean things up and spend more time sitting outside.

  9. How about all of the above, ('cept maybe basketball). I love spring! My favorite season. I love the green!. On trees, bushes, grass, mountains, and just about everywhere before it turns summer dry yellow. I love all the bright colors of flowers and sky. It's the best!

  10. The deep blue skies in the day and the dark black skies at night(with the stars). All the colors seem so much more significant. Daffodils, birds singing, and new beginnings. Woo Hoo Spring!

  11. I love longer daylight hours. Even though I am still driving to work in the dark, I love more light everyday.

  12. I LOVE the temperature of Spring. Utah is too hot in the summer, but the Spring temps with the sun shining are like heaven!
