
Monday, March 3, 2014

Dr. Seuss Activities

What are your Dr. Seuss plans for this week?


  1. Our school has a family reading week. We have Lorax style trees in the hall and minutes of reading are logged for each grade level. There will be a family reading night and activities during the day. Mr. Limb will show how he is "stuck" on reading by getting taped to the wall and reading during lunch. There will be an appearance by the Cat in the Hat. All of these activities are planned by a special committee of our PTA! AMAZING.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow! That sounds AWESOME!

  4. This article from Brain Pickings has some relatively unknown art by Dr. Seuss.

  5. Our PTA has a Take-a-book, Leave-a-book table here in front of the library. They will also do a RIF distribution this week. The student council has a Dress-as-you-favorite-character event planned for Thursday, And I will be featuring Dr. Seuss books with the classes here in the library.

  6. I always wear my Dr. Seuss cat in the hat HAT and necktie, put out my cardboard cut-out cat with balloons, show vids to the younger kids of the oldie but goodies, make bookmarks, read some of the early books to older kids.

  7. I am teaching how to do a bibliography with the third grade. They did a mini report on an animal so we are doing it for an encyclopedia. But I also have them do a bib for a Dr. Seuss book and the website for Then they can share a computer and go to that site after they check out their books. So we cover how to do a bib for an encyclopedia, a fiction book, and a website.

  8. Read, Read, Read, and just for fun, Read! We are doing animal research, ancient cultures, westward expansion, but we do a lot of fun activities during National Library Week, just after spring break. The students create storybook characters, dress up like a favorite character, poetry and prose night in the library all in that week! It is really fun!

    1. Wow, could you clone yourself and come over to Dilworth that week?

  9. Our PTA had a huge reading week last week. I have no idea why they choose last week. Our kindergarten is doing a huge Dr. Seuss day today. They all came dressed as their favorite Dr. Seuss character. I will read some Dr. Seuss books to the classes when they come in to the library this week.

  10. We are doing a school wide theme "My many colored days". Great story! Upper grades will write and publish poems about emotions, and lower grades are doing simple poems and coloring activities that will be displayed in the library.

  11. Last week we watched a video about the life of Dr. Seuss in the library with my 3rd grade ELD classes and on Friday the whole school was invited to dress up with Seussify your outfit.

  12. Our day isn't very festive. I think I will read Green Eggs and Ham to the preschool kids. Maybe I can think of something else to do too. I have ACT tomorrow. Ahhhhhhhhhhh

  13. This week is our Reading is Fun Week and we had Jean Reagan kick off with a great assembly. She's the author of "How to Babysit a Grandpa" and has a new one coming out this month-"How to babysit a Grandma" (Mother's Day idea!!). She did an excellent presentation with a power point of her book with sloppy copies, editor corrected copies and talked about where her ideas came from, rejections, etc.
    Teachers & students really enjoyed it! We have activities each day and of course stories by Dr.Seuss & Theo LeSieg too. For variety, I sometimes like to feature Geisel Award winners too - easier to read!!

  14. Last year I did a Dr. Seuss birthday party and it didn't go over that well. The kids really had trouble following the Dr. Seuss stories I read them. Then we watched a animated Dr. Seuss story and some of the students were scared. (We also learned about his childhood and colored pictures of various characters.) Overall I felt the students were bewildered and confusion bored.
    This year I have done more with Mo Willem, and the kids are crazy about him and are enthralled with not only his stories but learning about his life. Then again, The Pigeon has been my library helper all year, making messes, and grossly enough pooping tootsie rolls! (We had to tour the library to clean up after him).
    Is it sacrilege to say that I don't dig too much on Dr. Seuss? I was always terrified my mom would make me eat green eggs.

  15. Big Cat in the Hat poster and lots of Dr. Seuss books out.
