
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Possible Caldecott?

Journey, a wordless picture book by Aaron Becker, is hitting library blogs as a possible 2014 Caldecott.

Have you seen it?  A lonely young girl uses a red crayon to draw herself into another world.  It kind of seems like maybe she should have made the acquaintance of Harold (and his purple crayon). :-)

Are there other new picture books that you think might be contenders?


  1. I saw this at B&N before Christmas. Looks wonderful! I put it on my next book order.

  2. Jr. Library Guild sent me this book. It is a fun one. David Wiesner is still my favorite for wordless picture books.

  3. I love this book, but just wish I could turn the lighting in it up a notch. Its feels kind of dark to me. That didn't stop me from getting it for the library collection and my home collection. Like Marilyn, David Wiesner is also my favorite! Last year I broke 1st and 2nd graders into small groups with wordless books and gave them a few minutes to look through it together. When I asked them what had happened in the story, they not only really understood but had some interesting insights!

  4. This book is beautiful, but I also still like David Wiesner the best! This book reminds me of the books Imagine a Day, Imagine a night by Sara Thomson -- very creative!

  5. I never have had much luck picking the winner. I don't seem to be obn the same wave-length as the committee. Yes, I love DW, and many others, but I never get the right one.

  6. We often are a bit behind in ordering brand new books. I do much of my personal browsing online and then mostly in the genre's I like to read. I guess this is one of the disadvantages of our digital world. I do know one person who goes to the public library every week and reads and reads and reads. She would probably be best able to predict the winner and her name is LINDA.

    1. Of course we do order new books, but the budget can only go so far. I am more likely to see a list of top books for the year later on after the awards have been given.

  7. I haven't kept up with picture books since I am in high school, but i do have favorites in my collection that I read to the Head Start kids. I love "Are You a Horse" for little kids. If you haven't included it on an order list, do. It made the Jilldicott Award.

  8. Funny, Jill.
    Jilldicott Award works for me.
