
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Summer Reading

What a wonderful year this has been!

What are your plans for summer reading?  Is there a book that you've been chomping at the bit to read?


  1. If I can get myself organized, I would like to do a lot of reading. Nothing in particular - just that stack that grows ever larger as time goes by. Maybe I'll even start something new that I have not added to the pile yet.
    Have a great summer, and I'll see you on the flip-side.

  2. Here is the flip-side. I read a lot of books in the summer. Or listened. I love Audible.

  3. I did not get to read as much as I usually do! It was a busy summer with lots of playing with grand kids. I did a lot of reading to them. I enjoyed Spy School by Stuart Gibb, and I am reading Summer and Bird, and still consider that summer reading.

  4. I read alot of books this summer, I always read the Beehive nominees and really liked Tuesdays at the Castle which lead to reading all the Dragon books by Jessica Day George. I managed a few books for grown ups too, mostly beach type fluff! I also love Audible and on a big road trip listened to Game of Thrones.
